Bolivia’s #1 rated travel company!
You decide where to start, where to finish and how long you take!
Between La Paz and Copacabana, you will get off the bus and take a ferry at Tiquina as you watch our bus float across the lake.
We are one of the only bus companies to offer this incredible experience.
At Copacabana, you will hop on our huge double-decker luxury bus for travel into Peru.
Between La Paz and Copacabana, you will get off the bus and take a ferry at Tiquina as you watch our bus float across the lake.
We are one of the only bus companies to offer this incredible experience.
At Copacabana, you will hop on our huge double-decker luxury bus for travel into Peru.
Meet the founders of Bolivia/Peru Hop
How a young Irish guy moved to Peru for love, created Peru Hop (and then Bolivia Hop) with his local friends, dealt with all the chaos of creating a company in South America, somehow avoided bankruptcy, and created the #1 travel company in the country!