Bolivia Hop vs Public Buses - Bolivia Hop | Bolivia Hop

Bolivia Hop vs Public Buses

Many people, especially backpackers, ask the question: What is the difference between doing a trip of Bolivia on my own (via public buses) versus doing it with Bolivia Hop.Both offer an independent form of travel, as with Peru Hop and our hop onhop off passes, you are in full control of where you go, when you go, and how long for.

However, that’s where the similarities end between Bolivia Hop and public buses, as we truly believe there are huge difference between them and us, and this is reflected when you read Tripadvisor or other reviews of public bus companies and compare them with our reviews.

Below we have tried to summarise some of the various differences between Bolivia Hop and public buses in Bolivia:

1. Stops inbetween to discover hidden gems

Public buses are made for Bolivians who want to go from A to B as fast as possible.

However, we realize many tourists are actually missing out on so many things to see here in Bolivia & Peru so we make some quick stops betweenstops to discover some hidden gems (e.g. secret slave tunnels) or try localfood at local prices

2. Onboard local Bolivian/Peruvian English speaking guides

On apublic bus, nobody speaks English and they actually only talk to you to tellyou to put on your seatbelt!

On Bolivia Hop, you have a friendly local guide who will tell you what his/her life was like growing up in Peru with funny stories about the cultureand history here. These are things you simply won ́t find in any guidebookand are real authentic stories and facts.

As well as this, we BET that you love your guide…they are the friendliest and funniest Bolivians you will ever meet and are why we get such amazing reviews!

Hotel/Hostel Pickup & Dropoff

On public buses, you will be forced to find where the terminal of your company is (no central bus station) and take taxis (unlicensed and not insured) to and from there.

The Bolivia Hop bus picks you up and drops you off wherever you are staying. A good example is Puno. We would pick you up wherever you are staying in La Paz, and drop you off. Then, when you are ready to leave Puno (Lake Titicaca), we will pick you up and drop you off at the hotel/hostel of your next destination.

On a public bus, you would take a taxi from your hotel to a bus terminal, to check in 45 minutes before departure. After eventually boarding, you would take your bus to Puno. And when you are leaving Puno, you would have to find another taxi to your bus terminal, check in 45 minutes before hand again, and then board a bus to another destination and take another taxi to your hotel!

Bolivia Hop is easier, safer and much more convenient, as well as showingyou the real Bolivia along the way!

4. Meeting other travelers on board

Sitting on a public bus full of Bolivians, you will just sit and look out the window.

On Bolivia Hop, you will meet interesting people from all over the world and make friends for life. Whether you are traveling as a couple, a family or a solo traveller, we guarantee you will meet great people on our bus which will only add to your whole Bolivian experience

5. Highest safety standards in Bolivia

Public bus accidents are extremely common in Bolivia and Peru. Don’t believe us? Just google “Bus accidents Bolivia” or “Bus accidents Peru”.

Bolivia Hop is extremely proud of our safety record. We have brought the best safety standards and practices from Europe to our operation and we are proud that we have transported over 250,000 people safely and securely around Bolivia & Peru. For a full list of our safety procedures and features, you can read more about our buses here.

As well as this, public buses are famous here for running on “Bolivian time”, which usually means being 30 minutes to 1 hour late, if not more. Again, this is something you can verify by reading customer reviews of these companies on Tripadvisor.

Bolivia Hop operates to European standards of punctuality. We run on time99.1% of the time, and if we are ever a few minutes late, we make sure to call your hotel or hostel to inform them of any delays so you always kept up to date.

6. Customer Service Excellence

Ever had a problem traveling where you lost something or forgot something, or you had a medical emergency,or you had a flight delay or something similar? Now, imagine you are traveling on a public bus where nobody speaks English and they don’t even bother replying to emails!

Bolivia Hop is famous for our fast and excellent phone and email response,and it is something highlighted in many reviews online. Not only this, but remember at all times you have a Bolivian English speaking guide with you who can borrow you their phone or help you with anything at any time.

Hopefully you never have any issue when you travel, but it of course does happen sometimes, and that is where people often see the difference between traveling by themselves (on public buses) compared to traveling on Bolivia Hop. If something bad does ever happen to you, trust us, you will be extremely thankful you were with Bolivia Hop and not with a public bus company!

7. No strangers on the bus

As well as the above, it is worth noting that Bolivia, like most countries throughout the world, has its fair share of bad people, people who are not afraid to steal from others.

Because tourists are seen as wealthy people with credit cards, laptops etc. they are attractive targets. This makes travelling on local buses a little dangerous and intimidating at times.

With Bolivia Hop, you are amongst friends on the bus (there is no such thing as a stranger on our bus!) with a guide always taking care of you. Monitored by our GPS, no unscheduled stops will be taken without our consent and regard for your safety, and all your bags and personal belongings will be safe on the bus at all times.

8. Hotel/hostel discounts

Bolivia Hop has negotiated exclusive deals with hotels and hostels across Bolivia and Peru to bring you discounted prices

After years of building relationships with some of the best hotels and hostels in the business, we are proud to be able to offer our travelers exclusive discounts and offers at each of our Hop Stops.

Perfect for those looking for private rooms or dorms in the best hostels/hotels.

Want to know more about Our Luxury Buses, their features, and all the safety procedures we have in place? Click here to find out more

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