La Route de la Mort | Bolivia Hop



Below we have compiled the most up-to-date guide to Death Road. This infamous road just outside of La Paz is one of THE must do activities in Bolivia


Prix à partir de $80 USD

Please note this tour will be booked via a search and comparison website we recommend for tours across South America.


Death Road in La Paz Bolivia is the name given to official most dangerous road in the world, Yungas Road. This road stretches about 61 km, and covers La Paz to Coroico. It was officially named the world’s most dangerous road in 1995, with an estimated 200 to 300 people killed on this road every year.

In recent years, this has become a major tourist attraction in La Paz, with people wanting to get their t-shirt that says “I survived my ride on the world’s most dangerous road” as downhill mountain biking tour companies take advantage of tourists need for adventure and adrenalin rushes!

However, do not be alarmed by its title…although the Death Road definitely needs to be respected, it has become much safer in recent years. Traffic has been stopped on many parts of the road to give cyclists a fun and safe trip. What is not so safe is that there are some cheap tour operators in La Paz who use bad bikes. These might not regularly maintained or the brakes may not be regularly checked, so be very careful of which company you choose when taking a tour down the Death Road.

Bolivia Hop has partnered up with Gravity Biking in recent months due their focus on safety matching the levels we demand for our passengers. We feel that they and Altitude Biking are the 2 safest bike companies on the Death Road. We have been able to negotiate a small discount off all tour prices for Bolivia Hop passengers, meaning that you can get the safest and most enjoyable Death Road experience at an incredible price! Speak to your onboard guide on your bus to La Paz or go to our office in La Paz.

Below is a typical 1 day tour itinerary of Death Road:

07:00am Pick you up from the meeting point or your hotel, prepared with our team and with the guides and everything you need for this adventure. Start from the city of La Paz, which is at a height of 3,600 meters (11,810 feet), to the foot of the Andes Mountains or Cordillera Real. Towards the summit which is 4,700 m (15,420 feet) out of the city of La Paz, appreciate the desert flora and fauna of the plateau and the snowy mountains of the Cordillera Real.

09:00am Proceed to get the specialized equipment for this adventure. The guides make recognition of our teams to make sure everything is secure then very attentively hear the explanations of them as we take a hot snack.

10:00am Bike adventure starts. The first part is asphalt with a very frigid weather to reach the population Unduavi (narcotics and revision control, motorized transport only). We take a short break with a mid-morning snack.

10:30am Dirt road begins at a height of 2,700 meters (2,953 feet) above sea level. In the beginning of the Bolivian jungle, exactly where the paved road ends, begins the most dangerous road in the world. This dirt road with an amazing view will be an adventure nonetheless. Along with the guides you will carefully go down going through rivers, waterfalls, along with the wide variety of flora and fauna.

12:30am Time for a break of 20 minutes with some refreshments.

13:45am We arrive at the bridge, a place with warm weather and the end of our cycling adventure at 1,200 m ( 3,940 feet ). Move the HOTEL VILLA VERDE 5 minutes from Coroico, where you can shower, have lunch, and enjoy the good weather by the pool.

16:30am We return to the city of La Paz on our new road transport. It is a very safe to 2-lane, downstream and upstream, called Cotapata Santa Barbara.

19:00am Arrival to La Paz.

Below is a typical 1 day tour itinerary of Death Road:


Pick you up from the meeting point or your hotel, prepared with our team and with the guides and everything you need for this adventure. Start from the city of La Paz, which is at a height of 3,600 meters (11,810 feet), to the foot of the Andes Mountains or Cordillera Real. Towards the summit which is 4,700 m (15,420 feet) out of the city of La Paz, appreciate the desert flora and fauna of the plateau and the snowy mountains of the Cordillera Real.


Proceed to get the specialized equipment for this adventure. The guides make recognition of our teams to make sure everything is secure then very attentively hear the explanations of them as we take a hot snack.


Bike adventure starts. The first part is asphalt with a very frigid weather to reach the population Unduavi (narcotics and revision control, motorized transport only). We take a short break with a mid-morning snack.


Dirt road begins at a height of 2,700 meters (2,953 feet) above sea level. In the beginning of the Bolivian jungle, exactly where the paved road ends, begins the most dangerous road in the world. This dirt road with an amazing view will be an adventure nonetheless. Along with the guides you will carefully go down going through rivers, waterfalls, along with the wide variety of flora and fauna.


Time for a break of 20 minutes with some refreshments.


We arrive at the bridge, a place with warm weather and the end of our cycling adventure at 1,200 m ( 3,940 feet ). Move the HOTEL VILLA VERDE 5 minutes from Coroico, where you can shower, have lunch, and enjoy the good weather by the pool.


We arrive at the bridge, a place with warm weather and the end of our cycling adventure at 1,200 m ( 3,940 feet ). Move the HOTEL VILLA VERDE 5 minutes from Coroico, where you can shower, have lunch, and enjoy the good weather by the pool.


We return to the city of La Paz on our new road transport. It is a very safe to 2-lane, downstream and upstream, called Cotapata Santa Barbara.


Arrival to La Paz

Package Includes:

  • Mountain bike, helmet, jacket, pants and gloves
  • An experienced and qualified guide for every 5 passengers.
  • Information and instruction in the English language until the end of the ride.
  • Radio communication between the guide and the driver and a mobile phone for emergencies
  • Support vehicle without additional charge exclusive back from the Yungas with us
  • Ambulance in case of an emergency to go directly to the city of La Paz
  • Mechanical qualified bicycle parts and tools
  • First aid kit and trained guides in the case of an emergency
  • A beautiful shirt as a souvenir
  • Delicious food once we got to the hotel, snacks and water in the race
  • CD with photos of their experience
  • </u


La Route de la Mort est-elle dangereuse?

La Route de la Mort n’est pas dangereuse. Les guides sont des professionnels et le matériel de qualité. Vous êtes parfaitement encadré et si vous respectez les consignes de sécurité, vous ferez une balade à vélo sans mésaventure. De plus, depuis mars 2007, la majorité du trafic a été dévié sur une autre route. Vous n’aurez pas à circuler au milieu des voitures et des camions. Si vous êtes vraiment nerveux durant la descente, vous pourrez monter à bord du véhicule qui vous accompagne.

Que ce passe t-il si il pleut le jour de la balade?

La saison des pluies en Bolivie est de décembre à fin février. Pour éviter les risques de pluie, privilégiez cette activité en dehors de cette période. Cela dit, une petite pluie n’empêche pas de faire la balade. On vous prêtera des vêtements de pluie pour vous protéger. Dans le cas ou cela représente un risque, les guides annuleront d’eux-même par mesure de sécurité.

Qu'est ce que je dois emporter pour faire ma randonnée à vélo?

Emportez des vêtements chauds, des vêtements de rechange, portez des chaussures fermées, emportez un imperméable, des lunettes de soleil, de la crème solaire, un produit anti-moustique et un maillot de bain.

Est-ce que je dois avoir de l'argent extra?

Oui. Il y a une taxe à payer à la municipalité de Coroico de 50 bolivianos (25 à l’entrée, 25 à la sortie). L’argent récolté sert au maintien de la route.

Comment sont les vélos?

Les vélos sont entretenus régulièrement et un mécanicien accompagnera votre groupe. Vous aurez le choix entre deux types de vélos dont l’un propose une meilleure suspension. Il vous permettra de gagner en confort car la Route de la Mort est cahoteuse et graveleuse.

Ai-je besoin d'une assurance?

Vous devrez fournir vos détails d’assurance. Si vous n’en n’avez, vous pourrez en contracter une pour la journée (coût supplémentaire de 38 $).

Dois-je apporter de l'eau et des encas?

Vous recevrez une bouteille d’eau et 2 collations pendant la randonnée. De plus, il y a aussi un déjeuner buffet à la fin. Vous pouvez apporter de l’eau et des collations supplémentaires si vous le souhaitez.

Quels sont les équipement fournis?

Les opérateurs fournissent tout l’équipement nécessaire dont vous avez besoin. Cela comprend: casques intégraux, gants, genouillères et coudières ainsi que la veste et le pantalon de pluie.

Please note this tour will be booked via a search and comparison website we recommend for tours across South America.


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    What time should we call you? Our hours of operation are from 9am to 7pm Peruvian time.

      Peruvian time now is: 5:40 pm