Bolivia Hop Bus Terminal In Cusco | Bolivia Hop

Bolivia Hop Bus Terminal In Cusco

We provide hotel and hostel pickups in all destinations EXCEPT Cusco. Legal restrictions prevent us from using our bus to do pickups in Cusco. If you are getting on our bus in Cusco, please see below information about our address and how to get there.

BOLIVIA HOP PRIVATE DEPARTURE TERMINAL – Our terminal opens 1h before departure time only. You cannot buy tickets in our terminal. To buy a ticket please visit our sales office.

BOLIVIA HOP CUSCO SALES OFFICE – If you are looking to buy a ticket in Cusco, visit our sales office located in the historic centre of Cusco.

Bolivia Hop Bus Terminal Address In Cusco

Alameda Pachacuteq 499, Cusco (to direct taxi drivers). The exact location is on the map below:

Do not get confused. This is our private terminal and NOT the general city bus terminal.

TAXI – We recommend booking a registered taxi (e.g. taxi firm “ANGELES”: 084 222266) from your hostel reception rather than flagging one from the street. They will charge perhaps 1-2 soles extra dependent on your pick up location but are much safer. The average time to get from Plaza de Armas to our terminal is 10 to 15 minutes. The price should be around 7 soles (registered company);  5-6 soles (street taxi).

The Peru Hop terminal cannot be used for bag storage before travel. The terminal ONLY opens 60 mins before departure time.  Do not arrive before this or it will be closed.

ALWAYS double check your taxi for left belongings.
Buy water/snacks before arrival.  No local shops in the area.
Exchange money before arrival so you can pay for your tours (cash payment only). No ATMs around.

Speak to someone from our team by phone!


    Where are you from?

    We will call you at this number, please make sure its correct.

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    Your Name (required)

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    What time should we call you? Our hours of operation are from 9am to 7pm Peruvian time.

      Peruvian time now is: Peruvian time is: 4:59 pm